Power Pack of Ken Reid books must be won!

Power Pack of Ken Reid - The BooksEarlier this year, after years of waiting, a crowdfunding campaign was launched to collect all of humour cartoonist Ken Reid‘s Odhams comic strips of the 1960s – featured in Wham!Smash!, and Pow! – into a pair handsome official hardback collections. The limited collections are now on sale – and to mark our 20th anniversary celebrations at this year’s Lakes International Comic Art Festival, we have a chance for one lucky Festival goer to win a copy of both books!

Earlier this year, after years of waiting, a crowdfunding campaign was launched to collect all of humour cartoonist Ken Reid's Odhams comic strips of the 1960s – featured in Wham!, Smash!, and Pow! – into a pair handsome official hardback books. Those collections have now been printed, I've received advance copies - and they are everything I expected them to be, just brilliant! Book One - Spread

Earlier this year, after years of waiting, a crowdfunding campaign was launched to collect all of humour cartoonist Ken Reid's Odhams comic strips of the 1960s – featured in Wham!, Smash!, and Pow! – into a pair handsome official hardback books. Those collections have now been printed, I've received advance copies - and they are everything I expected them to be, just brilliant! Book Two - Spread

The books collect every original “Frankie Stein”, “Queen of the Seas”, “Jasper the Grasper”, “The Nervs” and “Dare-a-Day Davy” from the comics – classic British comic strips that will have you in stitches (you can read a review here).

To be in with a chance to win these books, simply answer the question below and mail us your answer by 12 noon this Friday (21st September 2018) using this link. The winner will be informed by email and you will be able to collect your prize from the downthetubes stand in the Comics Clock Tower in Kendal.

THE QUESTION: In what year was downthetubes founded?

• Mail us your answer by 12 noon this Friday (21st September 2018) using this link

• You can buy the Power BPack of Ken Reid books here from the Kazoop web shop, or eBay  (Amazon links coming soon)

John HigginsWho’s Coming to LICAF?

A huge line up of both British and globe-spanning international comics talent will be attending this year’s Lakes International Comic Art Festival in October 2018.

Charlie Adlard, Steven Appleby, Yomi Ayeni, Edmond Baudoin, Sayra Begum, Dan Berry, Corey Brotherson, Stanley Chow, Robert Brown, Robert Deas, Guy Delisle, JC Deveney, Peter Doherty, Hunt Emerson, Gary Erskine, The Etherington Brothers, Kate Evans, John Ferguson, Jeroen Funke, David Gaffney, Brian Gorman, Alan Grant, Ottilie Hainsworth, Maaike Hartjes, Mark Hendriks, John Higgins, Dave Hine, Rian Hughes, ILYA, Marc Jackson, Owen Michael Johnson, Bobby Joseph, Kripa Joshi, Jeff Keane, Joe Kelly, Cam Kennedy, Ian Kennedy, Satoshi Kitamura, Tomas Kucerovsky, Kaisa Leka, Victoria Lomasko, Luke McGarry, Steve McGarry, Stuart Medley, Mikiko, Monty Nero, Robbie Morrison, Bruce Mutard, Graham McNee, Stefan Nieuwenhuis, Emmi Nieminen, Ken Niimura, Benoît Peeters, Sean Phillips, Frank Quitely, Ian Rankin, Marcel Ruijters, Zoom Rockman, Aritra Sarkar, Orijit Sen, Seth, David Silverman, Mark Stafford, The Surreal McCoy, Bryan Talbot, Mary M. Talbot, Deborah Tate, Petteri Tikkanen, Toy_Box, Emma Vieceli, the VIZ team and John Wagner

• Buy your tickets here

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