Superb-looking, intriguing steampunk action adventure coming your way
Design Museum delights: Stanley Kubrick oddities, and the promise of your very own Mars mission
London’s Design Museum is currently hosting Stanley Kubrick: The Exhibition, which includes some comic-related visuals inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey. running until 17th September. But the space age entertainment doesn’t stop there, because hot on the heels of this major exhibition, you’ll get the chance to travel to Mars without leaving London – in a multi-sensory adventure for all ages
Apollo 11 at 50: Back to the Moon… and Beyond?
Today, the descent stage of Lunar Module remains untouched where it was left in the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon. The ascent stage of the Lunar Module was left in a decaying lunar orbit and eventually crashed into the… Read More ›