Established in 2008, downthetubes was originally created to be a resource base for people seeking comics artists and writers but has mushroomed over the years to deliver British comics news, interviews and other features.
Contributors to this site over many years include myself, John Freeman, and Jeremy Briggs, James Bacon, Matthew Badham, Peter Duncan, Antony Esmond, Alex Fitch, Joe Gordon, Paul Mount, Colin Noble, Morgan Spiceman, Tim Robins, Richard Sheaf, Owen Watts, Ian Wheeler, Steve Winders, and many others.
downthetubes also includes information on events and links to comics, SF and other resources on the web.
To contact us, please drop us a line via this email address: editorATdownthetubes.net. (Replace the AT with @ when composing your mail). This enables us to forward items to the right people on the DTT team.
Please note that we do NOT claim to have direct contact with all the creators listed on our link pages, though many of us have worked with many artists and writers over the years.
It’s an archaic idea now, but I’ve often thought of the internet as a series of tubes, information plying down them. It turns out I’m not alone in this comparison; in 2006 now disgraced Alaskan senator described the Internet “a series of tubes” in an infamous 2006 rant when he was chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, a primary US legislative regulatory body that governs, among other things, the Internet.
Apparently, this description of the Internet “encapsulates the generational digital divide”, which makes me an old fuddy-duddy. Oh, well. (More about Senator Stevens’ “Tubes” rants here)
downthetubes is also the name of that unpublished novel, part of which was realised as various RPG sessions many years ago. And now, a comic strip, Crucible, drawn and co-written with former 2000AD artist Smuzz.