Green Berets, Secret Agents and Nazi Scientists – it’s all go in Commando!


Commando 4683


Here’s the full run down on the latest issues of DC Thomson’s Commando (Issues 4683 – 4686) on sale now in all good newsagents and for iPad and iPhone.

Commando No 4683 – The Cold War
Story: C.B. Harvey Art: Vila Cover: Janek Matysiak

As World War Two draws to a close, a British special forces unit engage in a secret mission far to the snowy north, aimed at halting German progress on new devastating weapons and bringing the war to a swift conclusion.

But the mission brings a bitter taste. As they compete to snatch a Nazi scientist, ally turns against ally as they battle in… The Cold War



Commando No 4684 – Green For Danger
Story: Redbridge Art: Roux Cover: Ken Barr
Originally No 145, first published December 1964. Re-issued as No 735 (April 1973)

From one German sentry to another went the whisper, “Achtung! Danger… Danger… Commando raid!”

But who can stop the men in the green berets?

Commando heroes have always been “everyman” heroes – without capes and superpowers,” notes editor Calum Laird of this re-presented tale. “But, if you’d read the bares bones of what it’s proposed that our two Commandos will achieve, you’d be forgiven for thinking that it would take the efforts of two supermen (with a small s) to pull it off. Yet, such is the skill of the story-telling everything seems very plausible and believable. Frantic and breathless, perhaps, but very credible.

“The plot is helped by some very accomplished black and whites. There are lots of small stylistic touches that add depth and movement. In some places they even give Ken Barr’s cover work a run for its money…and he’s got the advantage of colour.

Commando 4685


Commando No 4685 – Soldier Pilots
Story: Alan Hebden Art: Rezzonico Cover: Ian Kennedy

In battle, a few seconds can be the difference between life and death. For ground attack pilots operating over combat zones, those few seconds can mean the difference between destroying his enemy… or his own side.

That was why pilot Flight Lieutenant Rudy Pendleton found himself on the ground, deep in the jungle. He was directing Allied aircraft on to Japanese targets, with split-second accuracy. And the stakes couldn’t have been higher — success was the only option. Failure would lead to the annihilation of Allied forces in the Far East.

Commando 4686


Commando No 4686 – Beware The Traitor
Story: R.A. Montague Art: Denis Mcloughlin Cover: Ian Kennedy
Originally No 2269, first published April 1989. Re-issued as No 3780 (January 2005)

Secret agents, hush-hush flights to Occupied France…as one of the pilots involved, Danny Cooper knew that too often the reception committee waiting for them was German. Someone on the British side was spilling the beans.

Years after the war was over, Danny was to be offered the opportunity to settle these old scores – far away from Britain or France… in the jungles of South America.

“This cracking yarn has a compelling mystery at its core – and expertly flits between a post-World War II setting and a wartime espionage-tinged flashback, enthuses Commando’s Deputy Editor Scott Montgomery. “Normally, I’m not a huge fan of flashbacks. If done badly they can interrupt the flow of the story and even cause confusion for the reader… but here, the flashbacks are handled well and used sparingly.

• There are more details of Commando on the official Commando website, the Commando Facebook page

• Commando Collections: Checklist


If you’re looking for a gift for a British comics fan, downthetubes has an EXCLUSIVE discount on a subscription to DC Thomson’s Commando comic, simply by ordering through the DC Thomson Online Shop using our special discount code.

• Follow this dedicated link to DC Thomson’s Commando subscription page

Some of our readers reported problems with the link recently, but the technical team at DC Thomson have now fixed things – so if you follow the link above, the discount is automatically applied – you do NOT need to enter the COMDT promotional code. Ignore the discount field on the check out page, too.

• More information on our dedicated Commando Subscription Offer Page

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