Following the shocking events of the Season Two finale, the thrills of the wildly popular Star Trek: Discovery – broadcast on CBS in North America and Netflix across the rest of the globe – continue in a new three-issue comic book miniseries from IDW Publishing, Star Trek: Discovery – Aftermath
CBS Consumer Products
New puzzles celebrate 50 years of Star Trek, art book also on way from Titan Books
Jumbo Games, Britain’s leading manufacturer of adult puzzles, is producing a range of Star Trek jigsaw puzzles set to launch in in September, in time for the 50th Anniversary of the franchise. The puzzle range will include a 1,000- and… Read More ›
Live Long and Sparkle: MAC Star Trek Make-Up In the Works
Celebrating Star Trek’s upcoming 50th anniversary, MAC Cosmetics has unveiled its new makeup line inspired by the franchise, promoting it with some cool futuristic but sadly uncredited graphics. Set for release this summer, the line has been inspired by characters Deanna… Read More ›