Paul Trimble talks to Garth Ennis about plans for next year’s Battle Action comics from Rebellion
Top draw thrills! Latest 2000AD, Battle Action #3 out today
Thrills, spills, ghouls and all-out action heading your way, today!
In Review: Battling Britons No. 5
The fifth issue of the comics zine Battling Britons is out now
Rebellion announces new Battle Action mini series – our guide to the returning strips
Battle Action is back – and Garth Ennis, Rob Williams and PJ Holden share their thoughts with us on the new mini series!
In Review: Battle Action Special (2022)
Luke Williams checks out the all-new Battle-Action Special, curated and written by Garth Ennis, featuring a great range of artists, on sale in comic shops from today
Exciting News Inside? Looking back at Battle’s merger with Action
Back in 1977, how did fans of Action and Battle react to the merger of their favourite weekly British comics? We plundered the memories of some of them, including Garth Ennis, and former Battle editor, David Hunt…
In Review: Action 2020 Special
Luke Williams offers his take on one of Rebellion’s Special editions of 2020…
In Three Short Weeks, Action comic is back!
It horrified prudes and censors alike – but the ground-breaking British comic Action is back, in just three short weeks!
Comics For Valentine’s Day: Celebrating 40 Years of Action and Bullet
Valentine’s Day is usually considered a time for lovers, but this year – 2016 – it’s year for lovers of Action… and Bullet, two British boys’ comics celebrating their 40th anniversary. Although, sadly, neither of course are still being published, both left… Read More ›