Author Archives
A life-long comic fan, specialising mainly in UK adventure comics, Colin did his very best to support his passion for the comics of his youth, Commandos (still going!) and any small press that interested him. Sadly, Colin passed in March 2021, an invaluable downthetubes team member, much missed by us all
2000AD: Controversial or Just Another Prog?
In Preview: Alcatena 2020
Comic Creator Spotlight: The Famous Comic Creators of Glenrothes
In Review: The Sheerglam Conspiracy by Steve MacManus
In Review: Edge of Extinction 1-3
In Words and Pictures: The Great War Dundee Comic Launch
My main hobby is comics (you’d never have guessed, would you?) but one of my many other interests is history. When I found out about the Great War Dundee event that combined both, involving the launch of the free Great… Read More ›
Comics Inspiration: How Celebrities have inspired the look of some Comic Characters Part 3: 2000AD Edition
Comics Inspiration: How Celebrities have inspired the look of some Comic Characters Part 2
In Review: The Art of Ian Kennedy
When it comes to legendary British comics artist Ian Kennedy, I am not sure if I come into the superfan or the superstalker category, but if anything features his art, you are guaranteed that I will have more than a… Read More ›
Ron Smith – A Personal Tribute by Colin Noble
My appreciation of comic artist Ron Smith, who died earlier this week, is lifelong. His passing is a great loss to the British comics industry, and our community… On the afternoon of Wednesday 2nd October 1974, I was feeling a bit… Read More ›
In Review: Dave – Death of the Cosmic Oddity
By Richard Pester Out: Now The Book: Everyone has a story to tell, this is the continuing story of ‘Dave’. Like all of us, he tries to make sense of his life, memories of a turbulent past bring both tragedy and… Read More ›
Collecting Comics: The Strange Case of the War Comic Cover “Twins”
Richard Sheaf and I recently investigated the way British war comics used to re-use cover art, and this article reveals how two British comic companies used the same art on different titles… For those of you familiar with my Nothing… Read More ›
In Review: Illustrators Special 2 – War Is Hell
For those of you that are aware of the Book Palace, you will hopefully also be aware of their in-house imprint which publishes Illustrators, a beautiful produced quarterly magazine dedicated to enhancing our knowledge of all things dealing with comics. … Read More ›