“Killing Moon Rises”, a four-part saga of love and death begins. Featuring… well, mostly, death!
Pigdog Press
Killing Moon Rises on Kickstarter, from Pigdog Press
Swords? Check. Adventure? Check? Mayhem? Definitely. “Killing Moon” is back!
Creating Comics under a Killing Moon! An interview with Chris Denton and Neil Roche
Jimmy Baker chats with Chris Denton and Neil Roche about their latest plans for their popular fantasy adventure
There’s A Killing Moon at Thought Bubble This Year, thanks to Pigdog Press!
Back in 1985, a budding illustrator called Mark (PigDog) Roche wrote and illustrated a story for a Manchester based comic called Totally Alien. That story was “Killing Moon”, about a group of assassins lead by Moses Valentine. Now, 30 years later, his younger… Read More ›