A rare chance to buy a cracking Doctor Who annual cover
World Distributors
Whispering Gorillas and Vampires of Venus, more 1950s British Science Fiction uncovered
There’s a Star Wars connection to some of these early British SF titles
Unearthed: An unexpected Doctor Who comics crossover with Lost in Space!
The cover of the 1969 Doctor Who annual was Walt Howarth’s last Doctor Who-related work for publisher World Distributors for some time, and its similarity to the cover of a 1967 Gold Key Swiss Family Robinson Comic was highlighted recently on social media.
Batman comics in Britain – a brief guide, and an appeal for information
Batman has been named as the first inductee into San Diego Comic-Con Museum’s Character Hall of Fame, part of the celebrations surrounding the Caped Crusader’s 80th anniversary, also marked by the release of Detective Comics #1000 by DC Comics, prompting… Read More ›
Paul Magrs celebrates the Doctor Who annuals in all their, erm… glory?
Out in June in hardback from Obverse Books, with cover art and internal illustrations by Adam Bullock, and commentary on every single story from Paul Magrs, author of Doctor Who fiction for Big Finish, the BBC and AudioGo, The… Read More ›
In Memoriam: Cover Artist Walt Howarth
Cartoonist Lew Stringer reports that Walt Howarth, the prolific artist of many British annual covers of the 1960s and 1970s has died, aged 80. This is Lancashire reports Walt, whose credits include work on Doctor Who, The Lone Ranger, Dempsey… Read More ›