Here’s the run down on the latest issues of DC Thomson’s war comic, Commando – Issues 4675-4678 – on sale now in all good newsagents and digitally for iPad and iPhone on the iTunes store.
Commando No 4675 – Grave Secret
Story: Alan Hebden Art: Benet Cover: Benet
Private Titch Mooney, the Convict Commandos’ man-mountain — ex-circus strongman and ferocious fighter — had no problem destroying a V2 rocket site in the face of a hail of lead fired by vengeful Germans as flames licked about his heels.
But this solid granite character began to shake as he, Guy Tenby, Smiler Dawson, and Spider Mackay made their way through a Dutch graveyard. Was it superstition or was there a grave secret hidden there?
Commando No 4676 – Death Dive
Originally Commando No 108 (March 1964), re-issued as No 619 (February 1972)
Story: Kenner Art: Gordon Livingstone Cover: Ken Barr
It’s the moment a pilot dreads most — when he first discovers that he’s lost his nerve.
Hands that have always been rock-steady now tremble as they touch the joystick. His mouth is dry with fear, a cold sweat breaks out on his brow.
Flight Lieutenant Ted Ridge knew all the signs. But only he knew he wasn’t fit to fly his Mosquito bomber on any more raids.
And then the RAF picked him for a specially dangerous flying job — a job that no one else could tackle. Ted Ridge just couldn’t convince them that he wasn’t still the best Mossie pilot they had.
“In today’s enlightened times, post-traumatic stress disorder more accurately describes the phenomenon of service personnel being overwhelmed by the demands of active service in a war zone,” notes Commando Editor Calum Laird. “In 1964, losing their nerve was the term used. Though this Kenner script deals with that situation but in a typically Commando way, it’s not hard to read a deeper meaning into this story with echoes of the famous Amiens prison raid — Operation Jericho.
“That’s if you don’t get completely distracted by Ken Barr’s movie poster-style cover and Gordon Livingstone’s gritty, angular inside art.
“Read it twice… just to make sure.”
Commando No 4677 – Ludwig’s Luck
Story: George Low Art: Jaume Forns Cover: Jaume Forns
It is often said that it is a matter of luck whether or not a soldier survives a war. The luck young German Army corporal Ludwig Richter got ranged from bad to worse as the Second World War brought him repeated injuries and robbed him of so many of his friends.
Surely it could only be a matter of time before Ludwig’s luck ran out…for good.
Commando No 4678 – The Man In Black
Originally Commando No 952 (July 1975), re-issued as No 2292 (July 1989)
Story: Bernard Gregg Art: Mira Cover: Ian Kennedy
He was rarely seen, this lone, mysterious figure clad completely in black who powered his way over the snow-covered slopes of the Swiss mountains. He was a sinister apparition bathed in moonlight, his only friends the shadows.
But there was even stranger thing about him. Why did his tracks lead to the German border?
“If you’re looking for a story featuring country music singer Johnny Cash, or even movie star Will Smith, than I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed.“ says Deputy Editor Scott Montgomery wryly. “However, if you’re looking for an action-packed espionage caper then you most definitely will not be disappointed!
“This pacey tale has just about everything: mystery, daring escapes, ski chases, people dangling from cliff edges, nasty villains, plucky heroes… and there’s even a faithful Alsatian!
“Commando means action and adventure — and that’s never truer than here.”
• There are more details of Commando on the official Commando website, the Commando Facebook page
• Commando Collections: Checklist
If you’re looking for a Christmas gift for a British comics fan, downthetubes has an EXCLUSIVE discount on a subscription to DC Thomson’s Commando comic, simply by ordering through the DC Thomson Online Shop using our special discount code.
• Follow this dedicated link to DC Thomson’s Commando subscription page
Some of our readers reported problems with the link recently, but the technical team at DC Thomson have now fixed things – so if you follow the link above, the discount is automatically applied – you do NOT need to enter the COMDT promotional code. Ignore the discount field on the check out page, too.
• More information on our dedicated Commando Subscription Offer Page
- About the Author
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The founder of downthetubes, which he established in 1998. John works as a comics and magazine editor, writer, and on promotional work for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival. He is currently editor of Star Trek Explorer, published by Titan – his third tour of duty on the title originally titled Star Trek Magazine.
Working in British comics publishing since the 1980s, his credits include editor of titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Babylon 5 Magazine, and more. He also edited the comics anthology STRIP Magazine and edited several audio comics for ROK Comics. He has also edited several comic collections, including volumes of “Charley’s War” and “Dan Dare”.
He’s the writer of “Pilgrim: Secrets and Lies” for B7 Comics; “Crucible”, a creator-owned project with 2000AD artist Smuzz; and “Death Duty” and “Skow Dogs” with Dave Hailwood.
Categories: British Comics, Digital Comics, Featured News