Creating Comics: Marketing “The Beano” in the 1990s

eBay auctioneer Phil Shrimpton of Phil-Comics has teased an upcoming lot shedding light on the intended audience for DC Thomson’s The Beano and The Dandy in the early 1990s.

Beano and Dandy Advertising Pack (1990s)

Coming up for sale soon is an “advertising pack” for the two leading DC Thomson comic titles, which offers an interesting insight into the demographic of The Beano and Dandy readership in the early 1990s. The rate card claims the titles appeal to kids as young as four years to a more “mature” 19, but mainly the 7-13 year age group.

Beano and Dandy Advertising Pack (1990s)
Beano and Dandy Advertising Pack (1990s)

The advertising rates for the comic are also seen – a full colour, full page was £2000.

Beano and Dandy Advertising Pack (1990s)

“I’m not sure what the print runs were like in the early 90s,” Phil notes, but from what I saw once from early 80s sales figures, they’d be far less than the published readership figures, which are impressive (comics shared between siblings and friends, no doubt).

“We presume this was a pre-prepared pack ready to be sent out to businesses enquiring about advertising in the two comics. This will be in our next eBay auction.”

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Categories: Auctions, British Comics, Comics, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Other Worlds

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