Crowdfunding Spotlight: Paragon #34

The latest issue of Paragon, the long-running British anthology, is seeking seeking a modest amount of support on Kickstarter.

Another bonkers, brilliant collection of one-off stories and serials, this issue is a great jumping on point for new readers, with glorious covers by Mitz and Mal Earl on offer.

In this issue…

Bulldog – the anthropomorphic defender of the skies above Blighty – by Jason Cobley and Garry Wharton. Last issue, the gallant Captain had been flung forward in time to meet some old friends – and battle the Inspectorate from Ofsta. Will he survive? Who else from his past will turn up? And what deal with the devil will he have to make?

Misty-style thrills in Old Crooked Bill, where young Hannah is horribly bullied at her new school and seeks revenge, illustrated by Scott Twells

• Jikan by Mark Howard with art by El Chivo – the time travelling demon hunting Japanese warrior is captured in his own personal hell, being tormented by a familiar demon. But who is it and what is his motive?

Plus, a complete adventure for Spencer Nero by creators Greg Meldrum and Dave Candlish and you have one helluva comic!

Nero is a British agent obsessed with ancient Rome (and punching Nazis) who finds himself up against Black Shuck, the lethal black dog of folk-legend. How will he best the demon dog? Buy the comic and find out!

Check out Paragon Issue 34 here on Kickstarter

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