Charlotte Corday is a multiverse-spanning adventuress created by Keith Page, some stories written by Stephen Walsh. You’ll find many of her adventures here, including “Witchcraft Street” and some on the web comics site, Tapas.
I have been involved in the Charlotte Corday project for over a decade, creating a web home for the strip and background resources, and lettering the strips.
Charlotte Corday’s many lives include a steampunk space explorer and a French detective of some sort getting involved in all sorts of arcane exploits in 1950′s London which could best be described as “Brighton Rock meets Quatermass and the Pit“.
On occasion, Charlotte has been accompanied by a human-sized “Muffin the Mule” entity which had its origins in a strip Keith did for IPC’s Revolver many years ago.
In 2023, after maintaining a separate domain for the project for several years, we decided to move the project to this “micro site” on downthetubes.
I hope you enjoy what you find here!
John Freeman
Charlotte Corday Projects – Overview
A guide to the Charlotte Corday stories – published, unpublished and in development
Oddments – A Charlotte Corday Scrapbook
An assortment of imagery – art and reference images from various Charlotte Corday projects, sourced or drawn by Keith Page…
Charlotte Corday – V-Cars in the Spotlight
Witchcraft Street – Some Notes on Le Bureau Fantôme
Other work by Keith Page and Stephen Walsh, unrelated to Charlotte Corday
• Strawjack
• Hancock – The Lad Himself
Charlotte Corday is © 2023 Stephen Walsh & Keith Page. Please ask for permission before using images and copy posted on this site. Thank you.