“Journey Planet” e-zine plans Dan Dare special, seeks submissions

Journey Planet Montage


The team behind the e-zine and web site Journey Planet are working on a Dan Dare-themed issue of the title and are looking for articles on any aspect or version of Dan Dare from the 1950s through to the Virgin Comics incarnation, and are hoping to cover not only the comics but the radio serials, computer games, proposed TV shows – and the creators who worked on them, many of whom are among the most influential people in the comic-book industry.

“We’re also interested in your personal stories,” says guest editor Michael Carroll. “What does Dan Dare mean to you? If you encountered the character first in, say, the 1980s Eagle, how do you feel about previous or subsequent versions? Maybe you’re only familiar with one aspect of Dare and don’t consider the others to be valid – that’s fine: we want to hear your arguments! If you’re in the comic book industry, how has Dan Dare influenced your work?

“But it’s not just new stuff we’re after,” he adds. “Little-seen or forgotten older articles are also of interest, particularly anything related to announced but unresolved Dare-related projects, such as the strip that appeared in the first (and only) issue of The Planet newspaper in 1996, and the proposed “Dan Dare and the Return of the Mekon” movie that never happened in the 1970s. Rare illustrations are also welcome!

• The deadline for submissions is 24th May 2015 and you should send articles to quantumprophecy AT gmail.com. To find out more about Journey Planet and read previous issues of the e-zine visit journeyplanet.weebly.com

Categories: British Comics, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, Magazines

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