New Eagle Times comes Christmas sprinkled

EAGLE Times (Volume 35, No. 4), the latest magazine from the Eagle Society, is out now, and, as ever for this time of year, has a few Christmas touches.

EAGLE Times (Volume 35, No. 4) - 2022

For those unfamiliar, the Eagle Society is dedicated to the memory of Eagle, the leading boy’s magazine of the 1950s and 1960s.

As ever, there’s a great mix of features, both informative and copiously illustrated, making for an enjoyable read for any Eagle fan.

This edition includes a tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth II by David Britton, who also contributes the final instalment of his series about the Canadian Pacific Railway and the final part of his detailed examination of the “Riders of the Range” adventure, “Last of the Fighting Cheyenne”. 

EAGLE Times (Volume 35, No. 4) - 2022 -  “The Day I Met Frank Hampson” by former London Science Museum staffer John Liffen

Also in this issue is “Eagle and the Changing Face of Christmas” by Andrew Newman, “The Day I Met Frank Hampson” by former London Science Museum staffer John Liffen, another one page “In and Out of the Eagle” by Jim Duckett, plus the final episode of Steve Winders latest “Archie Willoughby” adventure and his short appraisal of the third Luck of the Legion novel, Carry On Sergeant Luck

Carry on Sergeant Luck by Geoffrey Bond

There’s also details of the Eagle Society’s next annual gathering, which will be held at York from 11th – 13th April 2023. 

• Membership of the Eagle Society is via Annual Subscription to Eagle Times magazine, which is published four times annually. Please make cheques payable to the ‘Eagle Society’.

The current subscription rate is £30, Overseas £40 (in £s Sterling, please) | Postal applications to: Eagle Society Membership Secretary Bob Corn, Wellcroft Cottage, Wellcroft, Ivinghoe, Bucks LU7 9EF | Web: | Enquiries:

If you wish to pay by Paypal (from your Paypal account to the e-mail address above) – The Society request that you make your payment as a GIFT)

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