“Ragtime Soldier”, successor to “Charley’s War” – Kickstarter prelaunch

ComicScene are celebrating 50 years of the long-running weekly war comic, Battle, with the release of a new comic, Ragtime Soldier, written by Pat Mills.

"Ragtime Soldier" by Pat Mills with art by Gary Welsh and Phil Vaughan
“Ragtime Soldier” by Pat Mills with art by Gary Welsh and Phil Vaughan

The successor to “Charley’s War, the 48-page comic will be written by Pat, with art by Gary Welsh and Phillip Vaughan. It includes and continues the story that started on the Great War Dundee comic.

You can enlist to the pre launch page on Kickstarter now here. The Kickstarter will include exclusive collectable items when it goes live.

Pat Mills on Millsverse: Ragtime Soldier: A Successor to Charley’s War – At Last!

With thanks to ComicScene

Categories: British Comics, British Comics - Current British Publishers, Comics, Creating Comics, Crowd Funding Projects, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News

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