The World of Doctor Who: Panel to Panel interviews artist Martin Geraghty

The World of Doctor Who: Panel to Panel podcast has a new episode, representing an interview with artist Martin Geraghty conducted during the time of the Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi, on TV.

Martin has drawn Doctor Who comic strips for ages along with doing character designs for many of the animated DVD releases.

He began drawing for Doctor Who Magazine in the early 1990s and has continued to draw regularly for the title ever since.

An exceptional artist, he’s drawn stories featuring eight different incarnations of the Doctor and well over 15 companions.

The World of Doctor Who: Panel to Panel – Martin Geraghty

• Older episodes of Doctor Who: Panel to Panel are archived on the Internet Archive

Categories: Audio, British Comics, Comic Creator Interviews, Comics, Creating Comics, Digital Media, Doctor Who, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Features, Other Worlds, Podcasts, Science Fiction, Television

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