Tales of Wit and Wonder

Eureka Productions has released a revised second edition of its long-out-of-print Graphic Classics: Mark Twain, the eighth volume in the Graphics Classics series of comics adaptations of great literature whose contributors include many British creators.

With a dramatic cover painting by George Sellas, this edition contains 38 pages of new material, including a never-done-before comics presentation of Tom Sawyer Abroad, Mark Twain’s little-known sequel to The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, with adaptation by Tom Pomplun and George Sellas.

Returning from the first edition are The Mysterious Stranger by Rick Geary, A Dog’s Tale by Lance Tooks, The Celebrated Jumping Frog by Kevin Atkinson, and The Carnival of Crime in Connecticut by Antonella Caputo and Nick (Really Heavy Greatcoat) Miller.

Also included are Is He Living or Is He Dead?, A Curious Pleasure Excursion, and eight women artists interpret Mark Twain’s Advice to Little Girls.

Graphic Classics: Mark Twain is available from amazon.com and amazon.co.uk, and is in bookstores, comics shops, or direct from the publisher at www.graphicclassics.com.

Categories: British Comics - Books

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