Temple Seeks Drawing, Writing Devotees!

Just a quick reminder that there’s just under a month to go until the deadline for contributing to the next Temple (18th September), the e-comic of British small and indie press work that’s the brainchild of the Temple APA. Everyone’s welcome, so long as they contribute something comic related.

“Last issue was not only the biggest, but the most impressive,” says editor David Hailwood, “and Issue 5’s also shaping up to be quite a beast of an issue.

“Insomnia have sent me a whole wealth of material for the Insomnia feature, and I’ve heard from quite a few great creators that they’re planning to contribute.”

If you have a small press comic that you’d like to advertise in the Temple directory, you can post your details on the Temple APA forum. It’s best to put comic details up at least a week before the deadline, so that John Kirkham has time to assemble the Directory.

• Visit templeapa at: http://templeapa.ning.com

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