Comic Football launches as subscription-only comic

Hinckley-based publishers Comc Football Ltd. have just launched a subscription-only title – also called Comic Football – featuring strips by artists such as Karl Dixon, Nick Brennan and Duncan Scott.

The 32-page title is the latest venture for Pete Wildrianne and Clive Ward, who have been creating football comics such as Rammie, sold at the Derby County matches (see 2008 news story) which have had limited distribution to newsagents.

Comic Football is a more general purpose football comic and is only available at present by subscription.

“We are looking at other outlet opportunities though not the conventional news trade route at the moment” Comic Football director Pete Wildrianne, who is responsible for the sales, marketing and promotion of the company, told Lew Stringer for Blimey! It’s Another Blog About Comics. “We launched at the Grass Roots show at the NEC last weekend, and distributed about 4000 comics to kids and parents.”

Pete Wildrianne

Wildrianne says that although the title is subscription only at present, they’re hoping to wholesale the comic to local junior football clubs, who can sell it to their players and the profit goes to funding grass roots football.

“This is receiving a lot of interest, and we are exhibiting at two further major shows this month which target junior managers, coaches etc.,” says Pete. “We have also linked up with a company who provide fundraising nights for clubs, and another company who hold events across the country promoting street football.”

A subscription to  Comic Football costs  £9.99 for six months (six issues) or 12 months for £19.50.

• Download a sample issue from

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