Comics Galore, and more, in Catford this weekend!

Catford Comic & Zine Fair 2017

Joe Stone has designed this poster for the Catford Comic Fair. You can meet Joe and buy his comic Like Tweet Match Repeat at the event

This weekend (Sunday 10th December) sees the Catford Comic & Zine Fair at Blythe Hill Tavern, organised by Henry and Stanley Miller. Together the pair run the “Miller Town” web site and publish their own comics (check out the site, because it’s crammed with interviews with many British independent comic creators).

Artist Joe Stone designed the event’s poster, just one of many creators at the event who you can meet and buy his comic Like Tweet Match Repeat on the day.

Other creators at the event include, of course, Henry and Stanley Miller, and Tim Bird (Rock & Pop, The RocketMatt Boyce (creator of Radioactive Future Mutant), Wallis Eates (whose work includes Like an Orange, a collaboration between the artist and the brain injury survivors met at Headway East London last year when she did a creative residency there), Gareth Hopkins (co-creator of Found Forest Floor with Erik Blagsvedt), Jade King (Bubblegum), Tom Mortimer (whose work has appeared in titles such as Dirty Rotten Comics), Hannah Lee Miller (artist and famed cat observer), Danny Noble (creator of Ollie and Alan’s Big Move and the web comic Monday Morning), Douglas Noble (Horrible Folk, Strip for Me), Elizabeth Querstret (Zoological, My First Latin Colouring Book), John Riordan (co-editor of Hitsville UK with Dan Cox), Olivia Sullivan (the talented artist behind Sid and I Drank Holy Water, named as one of Broken Frontier’s Six People to Watch earlier this year), Nick White (a master of creating really tiny comic books!), Hattie Webster (creator of Hattie Comics) – and more.

• Catford Comic & Zine Fair 12 noon – 6.00pm Blythe Hill Tavern, 319 Stanstead Road, London, Greater London SE23 1JB. Follow the event on Twitter @CCZF2017

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