Crowdfunding Spotlight: The Nazz by Tom Veitch and Bryan Talbot

US independent comics publisher IT’S ALIVE! is to finally collect The Nazz, the story of a man transformed into something more than human…but far less than what he once was.

Written by the late Tom Veitch, illustrated by Bryan Talbot, the original 200+ page, four-issue creator-owned series was originally published in 1990 by DC Comics.

The Nazz by Tom Veitch and Bryan Talbot

Michael Nazareth (who later becomes The Nazz) seeks perfection through the ancient idea that the life force itself is the doorway to obtaining superhuman powers. His search for the key to opening the door leads him to India and a grueling plunge into the darkest secrets of yoga, tantric rituals…and the warrior’s madness.

This is the story of The Nazz, as he returns to America, a man transformed by his experiences into something more than human…but far less than what he once was. The Nazz is the tale of one man’s obsession with becoming a hero… and mankind’s attempts to elevate him to the status of godhood.

IT’S ALIVE! is currently running an Indiegogo campaign to help raise the funds needed to make the publication of this book a reality.

Plus, because many fans on The Nazz missed the first Early Bird Special for this project, because of email issues, IT’S ALIVE are currently offering a second Early Bird Special, where you can purchase a copy of the hardcover collection, for only $40, instead of $50.

Out of print for three decades, this is great news for fans of the work of Tom Veitch and Bryan Talbot, but do be aware this is a US-based crowdfunder and there will be shipping costs to the UK in addition to the cost of the collection.

A digital edition is also being offered at $20.

You can check out the campaign here on Indiegogo

Some sample pages from The Nazz – be aware these include some adult and sometimes extremely violent images

You can check out the campaign here on Indiegogo

This post was updated on Tuesday 12th July to report on the second “Early Bird Special” offer

Categories: Comics, Crowd Funding Projects, downthetubes Comics News, US Comics

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