In Review: Jampires by Sarah McIntyre and David O’Connell

Jampires Cover
We rarely review children’s books on this blog
They are not really what it’s all about,
But why should we let groups like MumsNet then hog
All the work these creators put out?

Jampires is about little creatures who suck
From doughnuts the lovely red jam,
And the young boy who catches them, who they then pluck
From his home, the poor little lamb.

Jampires pic
But don’t be alarmed that in their mouths they have fangs
For they are only after the sweetness,
So our hero is safe despite the fact that he hangs
From their arms, so your worries are needless.

David and Sarah did team-up for a jam
That created this book and a comic,
Two different stories that if needs be you can
Buy separately if you’re economic.

Jampires comic
The comic is great, landscaped, black and white,
While the book it is rhyming and funny,
Need kids presents for Christmas? Then they just might
Be worth buying with some of your money.

There are more details of Sarah McIntyre and David O’Connell’s Jampires picture book on the Jampires website where you can read Jampires: The Great Doughnut Mystery! comic for free.

There are more details of Sarah McIntyre’s work on her website and her blog.

There are more details of David O’Connell’s work on his website.

Sarah McIntyre and David O’Connell will be at Thought Bubble’s family area in the Royal Armouries Hall over the weekend of 15-16 November 2014 for “Jampires Present: Comics Jamtastic!”

Jampires TB14

(No jammy doughnuts were consumed during the creation of this blog post – but only because typing with sticky, sugary fingers is not a good idea.)

Categories: British Comics - Books, Featured News, Reviews

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2 replies

  1. Ha! Ha! This review made me laugh,
    But I don’t really have time,
    for the minute and a half
    It takes to write this rhyme!

  2. Haha, that is fabulous!!! Thanks so much, Jeremy! 😀 xx

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