Sally Heathcote “Director’s Commentary” reveals creators secrets about new graphic novel

Sally Heathcote, Suffragette

(with thanks to Joe Gordon): Writer Mary Talbot and artist Kate Charlesworth have their guest Director’s Commentary on the making of their upcoming book Sally Heathcote – Suffragette on the Forbidden Planet International blog today.

“For those not familiar with that, it’s an occasional feature I run where, instead of one of us doing review or interview, the spot is given to the creators to talk about their new work in their own words,” Joe Gordon explains. “It’s a nice way to give readers some insight into interesting new work and hopefully also get the book onto their reading radar.

“By pure coincidence I was just finishing prepping a long review of the book when Mary sent in their guest post, so it’s up this morning too, making it sort of a Sally Heathcote day on the blog,” Joe adds. “It’s a quite excellent read – the right balance between covering real historic events and maintaining a personal, human story the reader can relate to.

“I strongly suspect like Dotter this is one of those graphic novels that the normally non-comics reading audience will also be interested in, which can only be good for creating further interest in our medium and what it can do, surely? I’d say the book is much recommended reading.”

Our review will be published closer to the launch of the book from Mary and Bryan Talbot and Kate, which is published by Jonathan Cape on 1st May 2014.

Read the Sally Heathcote – Suffragette Director’s Commentary

• Read Joe Gordon’s review of Sally Heathocote – Suffragette on the Forbidden Planet International Blog

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