London’s Orbital Comics hosts Liz Prince exhibition

Orbital Comics Liz Prince Exhibition Poster 2014

(Updated 27th February): London’s Orbital Comics is currently hosting an exhibition of work by  US artist Liz Prince, which runs until 9th March 2014.

The exhibition coincides with the release of her latest book from Topshelf, Alone Forever: The Singles Collection and, in addition to copies of the book (which is great fun), Orbital have limited edition prints of some of the art from the exhibition for sale, which can be bought in store or via their web site, at £7 per print.


"What You think Cats get up to while you're out" by Liz Prince - one of the pages on display in the exhibition.

“What You think Cats get up to while you’re out” by Liz Prince – one of the pages on display in the exhibition. Yes, that is me looking posh reflected in the glass.

Liz’s first book, Will You Still Love Me If I Wet the Bed? was released by Top Shelf in 2005 and was nominated for several awards, and received the Ignatz for Outstanding Debut in 2005. It has since been published in both French and Spanish. 

Released by Top Shelf earlier this month, Alone Forever is a new comic about being single. At last bringing her popular webcomic to printed form, Alone Forever explores the joys of flying solo, free to focus on what really matters: comics, punk rock, and cute boys with beards.

Drawn in Liz Prince’s ultra-charming style, filled with self-deprecation and cats, there’s something for everyone to relate to in this celebration of self-reliance in the age of OkCupid.

It’s the perfect gift for any friend! … If you want that friend to immediately respond, “Wait, what are you saying?!”

Orbital are the only store to be offering a limited edition, 200-run only bookplate edition of  Alone Forever: The Singles CollectionCoinciding with the release of the book, we will also host an exhibition with art both from the book and her other works. “I will not be in attendance at the show,” says Liz, “because it is in London and I’m comic artist, not a billionaire, but please go see it if you’re one of my readers over the pond.”

• Orbital Comics Events Page:

• Liz Prince Official Site:



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