Scottish Comic Book Day gets underway, in November

Scottish Comic Book Day, showcasing Scottish Talent in Comics

“No tartan, no haggis, no bagpipes. Just a celebration of Scotland’s cultural contribution to comics and their spin-offs.”

Scottish Comic Book Day, launching this November, is primarily a celebration of comics, graphic novels, comic artwork and related media with a link to Scotland.

The idea is the brainchild of comics writer Colin Maxwell, but no-one owns it. “It’s yours, it’s mine, it’s a’body’s!”, we’re told, although there is a Twitter account for the project @scotcomicsday. Comic shops can participate (and are, including Kingdom Comics in Kirkcaldy) by having creators along to sell and sign their comics or by displaying comics with a Scottish link (creator, character, location, etc).

If you’re feeling more adventurous, why not have a drawing or writing workshop, or make a comic of your own? The main thing is to share it widely. Post photos or videos of what you’re doing and use the hashtag #ScottishComicBookDay. (Creators can reach a wider audience by sharing their work on social media with the hashtag).

ComicScene have announced they will be marking the event with the releases of their Best of Indies Summer Special.

• Scottish Comic Book Day, showcasing Scottish Talent in Comics | Saturday 27th November 2021 | Twitter | #ScottishComicBookDay

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