A new and very funny exhibition has just opened at the Jam Bookshop in Hackney
Jam Bookshop
Jam Bookshop announces signing with award-winning artist Emma Reynolds
Emma will be signing copies of Drawn to Change The Worldin Hackney on Saturday 21st October 2023
Cartoonist Mark Stafford signing tonight at Jam Bookshop
If you’re in Hackney tonight, don’t miss this
British and Irish Current Comic-Related Exhibitions
Updated Tuesday 7th January 2025, a guide to British and Irish comic-related exhibitions – and beyond!
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Jam Bookshop’s Will Eisner Art Exhibition
Another smashing micro exhibition at London’s Jam Bookshop is in the works
Creating Comics: London’s Jam Bookshop to host Crime Comics workshop
A crime comic workshop for aspiring creators announced
#DrawColumbo exhibition set to draw the crowds next month in Hackney
Just one more thing… have you sent your submission yet?