Fancy some extremely silly penguin cartoons? Check this out
The Penned Guins
That Was the Comics Week That Was: Avengers, Thor, a splash of 2000AD artistry and girls comics, too!
It’s been a busy week! Here are some items you may have missed on our site and beyond. Have a great weekend! • Marvel Entertainment debuted a lot of concept art and new posters for upcoming movies over the weekend at San… Read More ›
Crowdfunding Spotlight: The Penned Guin Presents – To Coldly Go
Back in January we spotlighted The Penned Guin Treasury Edition, a thick A4 collected edition of some 500 of writer/artist Alan Henderson’s humorous penguin strips which was crowdfunded on Kickstarter to over 250% of its target. The completed book was… Read More ›
Crowdfunding Spotlight: The Penned Guin Treasury Edition on Kickstarter
Writer/artist Alan Henderson has been producing his newspaper style, three panel, humour strip The Penned Guin since early 2013. The characters are all, unsurprisingly, penguins and the humour, by Alan’s own admission, consists of “terrible puns and Dad jokes that really make… Read More ›