Talking Time Team: Doctor Who Panel to Panel probes book project

The World of Doctor Who: Panel to Panel podcast - Adrian Salmon’s Time Team Unearthed

In the latest episode of The World of Doctor Who: Panel to Panel podcast, publisher Gareth Kavanagh of Cutaway Comics and more, joins Jeremy Bement to talk about his Kickstarter campaign to publish a coffee table book showcasing the brilliant “Time Team” artwork of Adrian Salmon, first published in Doctor Who Magazine.

The crowdfunding campaign closes just after Christmas, but has already hit its £10,000 goal to publish both softcover and hardcover editions of a The Time Team Unearthed, a beautiful looking book of art.

The work of the team at Roundel Books, who include Will Brooks, the new book, due for release next July, collects together, for the first time, all of Salmon’s artwork for the original Time Team feature, covering the entire run of 20th Century Doctor Who, from An Unearthly Child through the 1996 TV Movie.

The Time Team Unearthed - The Doctor Who Art of Adrian Salmon (Roundel Publishing)
The Time Team Unearthed - The Doctor Who Art of Adrian Salmon (Roundel Publishing)
The Time Team Unearthed - The Doctor Who Art of Adrian Salmon (Roundel Publishing)

As we previously reported, alongside these, the book also features new illustrations, ensuring that every one of Doctor Who‘s 20th century televised adventures are covered, Adrian’s two DWM covers from 2001 and 2002, plus assorted other related art, including the pieces from the two Time Team reunions for the Nothing at the End of the Lane scriptbooks.

In this ace new podcast from Jeremy, you can hear about how The Time Team Unearthed came about, why Adrian deserves a book of his art, and what you can get by pledging for this already-funded project.

Doctor Who comics have been around as long as the popular British TV show. The World of Doctor Who: Panel to Panel podcast interviews creators past and present, chatting about their work on the Doctor Who comic strip, and more besides.

• Listen to The World of Doctor Who: Panel to Panel podcast

• Check out The Time Team Unearthed Kickstarter here

The Doctor Who Panel to Panel Podcast is archived on the Internet Archive

Categories: Art and Illustration, Books, Doctor Who, downthetubes News, Magazines, Other Worlds, Science Fiction, Television

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