Wandering the Waste art exhibition announced for ‘Crowleymass’

Aleister Crowley - Wandering the Waste Page 1

The Atlantis Bookshop on London’s Museum Street will be holding an exhibition of original artwork from Martin Hayes and Roy H Stewart‘s graphic novel Aleister Crowley: Wandering the Waste, published by Markosia.

The exhibition opens as part of The Atlantis Bookshop’s annual Crowleymass celebrations on Sunday 1st of December, 2013 which runs from 2-5.00pm. Roy will be there talking about his art and process, and Martin will be there too, chatting and generally milling about.

Aleister Crowley - Wandering the Waste Page 2Aleister Crowley - Wandering the Waste Page 3Roy’s first published sequential art was for Blue Water comics’ Vincent Price Presents in 2009. He was then asked to come back and illustrate a four issue series, Roger Corman’s Death Sport Games. In the succeeding years he’s contributed to a number of anthologies’ including Unseen Shadows: Fragments of Fate and ‘Silver Screen’ for Afterlife INC. He recently collaborated with BE Active’s transmedia production Collider providing the ‘flashback’ art for the six issue series.

Martin Hayes is the writer of, most recently, the graphic novels Project Luna: 1947 and Aleister Crowley: Wandering the Waste, along with the short story collection Get It Down and Other Weird Stories. You can read about some of the projects I’m currently working on here and catch up on things he’s already done here. He also has a tumblr which he uses as a notebook.

Aleister Crowley - Wandering the Waste ExhibitionThere will be over 80 pieces of framed original art on display, along with several grimoire-like sketchbooks which Roy put together while working on the book. Everything is for sale. Prices start at £25.

Meticulously researched, Aleister Crowley: Wandering the Waste – a book three years in the making – reveals the life and times of England’s most infamous son. Occultist, artist, poet, prophet, record-setting mountaineer, drug and free-love pioneer, spy, scholar, and legendary bad-egg. Summoner of demons and loser of friends. An explorer of many realms who conversed with gods and angels but ended his days labelled “The Wickedest Man in the World.. He’s been described as a foolish genius with a much maligned history… a wanderer of the waste.”

The novel, which includes a foreword by Crowley scholar Richard Kaczynski, has had critical acclaim since its release. “The ending really is something quite interesting and special,” feels Richard Bruton on the Forbidden Planet blog. “Hayes and Stewart finding a really involving, and yes, a magical way to end their tale, to end Crowley’s life. But the thing the graphic novel leaves us with, as it should, is that Crowley’s desire to transcend death, and to live in the imagination and the memory of the world, was accomplished. Death took the man, but his legacy lives on.”

“The impressionistic style often bleeds over into the real world scenes, kind of like how the world of magic often comes into the everyday life of Crowley,” says David Ferguson on Irish Comic News of Roy’s art. ” I enjoyed both styles but I particularly enjoyed the ‘Interlude’ chapter which was entirely in the first style and was a nice change of pace and break from the often haunting imagery of the impressionist style.”



The exhibition will run until the 24th of December, 2013.


• Exhibition: Roy H Stewart’s original artwork from Aleister Crowley – Wandering the Waste graphic novel – The Atlantis Bookshop, 49a Museum Street, London WC1A 1LY. Web: www.theatlantisbookshop.com

• Martin Hayes’ official web site: www.paroneiria.com

• Roy H. Stewart’s official web site: http://rhsillustrator.daportfolio.com


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