Stref’s “Tara Togs” in the spotlight at Edinburgh’s La Belle Adventure

La Belle Adventure in Edinburgh is hosting an exhibition of art and behind the scenes material by Stref from his fantastic bande dessinée-inspired Tara Togs project, starting later this month.

Writer/ artist Stref will also be giving a talk and signing copies of Tara Togs and The Silence of Unicorns on 8th February, from 4.00 to 6.00pm.

In The Silence of the Unicorns, Scottish teen orphan Tara Togs dreams of being a photojournalist like her father. Her passion for chasing a story puts her at the heart of a dangerous adventure as she finds herself entangled with life threatening underworld criminals, mythical creatures and Private Eye ‘Heggy’ in a race to uncover one of the greatest art mysteries of all time!

Stref is the pen name for Stephen White, who is a writer/artist who has worked for the Beano, Dandy, Viz and on characters such as Peter Pan, Raising Amy, Oor Wullie and The Broons.

• Tara Togs” exhibition, 29th January – 28th February 2025. You can follow La Belle Adventure on their Instagram page here, while the shop itself can be found at 225 Leith Walk, open Wednesday to Saturday, 10.30 to 6.00, and 1.00 to 5.00pm on Sundays | Follow the shop owners Anabelle Araujo and Benoit Guillox on Instagram

Tara Togs the Silence of Unicorns is available now from Local Comic Shops, the SHIFT Store, AmazonUK (Affiliate Link) and WHSmith

With thanks to ComicScene for the heads up

Categories: Art and Illustration, British Comics, British Comics - Graphic Novels, Comic Art, Comics, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Events, Exhibitions, Other Worlds

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