Tube Surfing: Warren Ellis, the Bulletproof Coffin and the Galaxy’s Greatest Covers!

So, what’s happening down those tubes today…

The trailer for the movie adaptation of Warren Ellis-scripted graphic novel Red (art by Cully Hamner) is online to view now. Ellis wrote some interesting notes about the adaptation back on his blog in December of 2009. Well worth a read.

Still with Ellis, he’s exhorting everyone to read the first issue of Bulletproof Coffin for free online. This new comic by Dave Hine and Shaky Kane is fab and you should give it a look. (Via the Comics Reporter.)

Artist Shane Oakley (Albion, Channel Evil) shares his thoughts on life, the universe and comics over at horror comics ‘zine From the Tomb.

At the Forbidden Planet International blog, Richard Bruton draws our attention to free music magazine, Stool Pigeon. The latest issue contains lots of cool looking comics and also features an interview with Alan Moore. Good stuff!

And finally, have I given a plug to 2000AD Covers Uncovered yet? If not, I should have. It’s a blog devoted to, in their own words, ‘…showcasing artists’ covers for 2000AD in all their glory’.

But actually, it does much, much more, providing some great analysis and commentary on said covers. Go and have a look.

Anyway, that’s all for now.

Happy surfing!

Categories: 2000AD, British Comics, Tube Surfing

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