Alternative Press Picnic in Hyde Park on Sunday, TAKEOVER 2 confirmed

Zine makers gathered for the first TAKEOVER organised by Alternative Press back in May, attracting 1500 visitors.

Zine makers gathered for the first TAKEOVER organised by Alternative Press back in May, attracting 1500 visitors.

After the success of their first London TAKEOVER event, which saw some 1500 people through its doors to enjoy the delights of the alternative press, the team behind it have announced its return for 2015 – hopefully again in May.

The Alternative Press team (who will be busy in Hyde Park on Sunday with the Alternative Press Picnic, a special zine-making events from 1.00 to 5.00pm) are in the early stages of panning TAKEOVER #2, inviting proposals for exhibitions, talks and workshops to take place on the day.

Radical Book Fair Flyer 2014The inaugural TAKEOVER event was a collaboration with the London Radical Bookfair and the Alliance of Radical Booksellers back in May, with Alternative Press taking over Bishopsgate Institute.

In the first event of its kind, AP brought the small press to a new audience – championing zine-making and DIY alongside radical publishing and bookselling. Spread across three floors, artists exhibited and sold their self published comix, zines, art books, and prints, with creators such as Private Eye‘s David Ziggy Greene presenting a talk and workshop on drawn journalism.

They more than succeeded in their aim to showcase the depth and breadth of the UK small press scene at an event that featured all kinds of exhibitors – zinesters, comic folk, book artists, and illustrators; those who use a photocopier or a printing house; or have been doing it for years or just starting out.

Alongside a small press fair, they also exhibited take on the Bread and Roses Shortlist, as well running workshops on embroidery, radical journalism, and narrative illustration.

• If you’d like to be a part of the second TAKEOVER, the team say you should feel free to email any and all ideas to Also, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have a few hours to spare each week and would like to join the AP Team to help us organise the event (the more the merrier, they say!) Web:


Alternative Press Picnic 2014


The Alternative Press Picnic is in Hyde Park on Sunday 31st August, 1 – 5.00pm. Join the AP team for an afternoon of picnicking and zine-making and celebrate the right to free speech from the AP Soapbox! Bring something to eat and a pencil or two, and draw inspiration from the traditions of Speaker’s Corner, the regular speakers, and the hecklers, in a collaborative zine-making session. Step up onto the AP soapbox and exercise your right to speak. All welcome – whether ignited by the need to share poetry, readings from zines, or simply to get something off your chest. For more info and to take part, please email Or feel free to just turn up on the day or visit; and the event itself has its own Facebook page

Categories: British Comics, Comic Art, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, Events, Featured News

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