DC Thomson artist David Sutherland, who often signs his work simply as “DS”, has been drawing “The Bash Street Kids” in The Beano since 1962, a remarkable 50 years. In addition to “Bash Street”, he was also the regular artist for “Biffo the Bear” for 17 years, from 1969 to 1986, and “Dennis the Menace” for 28 years from 1970 to 1998.
To celebrate his golden jubilee of working on “The Bash Street Kids”, the University of Dundee, in association with D C Thomson and the Scottish Centre for Comics Studies, are putting on an exhibition of his work at the University’s Tower Building, home of the Dundee Comics Day, from 11 June to 15 August 2012.
The exhibition will feature a selection of his original artwork from the DC Thomson archive.
In addition to the exhibition, on Wednesday 13th June 2012 at 7pm the University will host David Sutherland in conversation with former Beano editor Euan Kerr followed by a question and answer session for the audience.
Admission to this talk is free with no need to book, simply turn up on the night.
The exhibition is taking place in the Baxter Suite, Room 1.36 of the University of Dundee’s Tower Building and the opening times vary: 11 – 22 June, Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm (except Wednesday 20 June, 10am – Noon) while during the summer recess, 27 June to 15 August, the exhibition will only be open on Wednesdays from 1pm to 3 pm.
• There are more details of the exhibition and talk at the University of Dundee’s Museum Services website
Images © DC Thomson and Co Ltd
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