Bryan Talbot scoops SNCF Award for Grandville Mon Amour

Grandville Mon Amour UKCongratulations to Bryan Talbot this morning, for winning the prestgious Prix SNCF prize for the French edition of his ace graphic novel Grandville Mon Amour.

Bryan won the Prix SNCF for best graphic novel at a ceremony at the Gare de Lyon, Paris on Tuesday 29th May.

Voted for by the general public, this is a national award given by the French railway company for the best in crime fiction.

“They give an award for best novel and best short film,” Bryan told us. “This is the first year they’ve introduced the bande dessinée category and it was won by Grandville Mon Amour out of a long list of 50 and a shortlist of five.”

The Milady blog (in French) has two stories on Bryan’s win here and here.

• Bryan’s official web site:

(With thanks to Jeremy Briggs for the Milady links)


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