DC Thomson 2026 annual covers revealed – 90 years of “Oor Wullie” and “The Broons” celebrated

DC Thomson has begun soliciting orders for its 2026 annuals, due for release on 11th August – which include the best-selling BEANO and The Dandy editions, and ninetieth celebratory collections of “The Broons” and “Oor Wullie”.

The Beano Annual 2026 (AmazonUK Affiliate Link)
112 Pages | ISBN: 978-1917203890
Out: 11th August 2026 - https://amzn.to/4gtoWtU

The Beano Annual 2026 (AmazonUK Affiliate Link)
112 Pages | ISBN: 978-1917203890
Out: 11th August 2026

The Number One annual in the UK, loved by anybody who enjoys reading hilarious comic stories full of mischief, jokes, pranks and laughs. In 112 all-new and original pages, join Dennis and Gnasher, Minnie the Minx, the Bash Street Kids and all your Beano faves as they deliver funny, exciting adventures to please fans old and new alike. It’s the perfect way to encourage reading through visual storytelling, fun screen-free content and new vocabulary!

The Dandy Annual 2026 | 112 Pages | ISBN:  978-1917203906
Out: 11th August 2026 - https://amzn.to/4hHqkdC

The Dandy Annual 2026 (AmazonUK Affiliate Link)
112 Pages | ISBN:  978-1917203906
Out: 11th August 2026

The Dandy Annual is consistently in the top 10 annuals in the UK. Starring national treasures – Desperate Dan, Beryl the Peril, Cuddles and Dimples and more – the annual is a monster collection of hilarious brand-new comics for everyone. Alongside its classic characters, it also features more recent additions like Dandytown Scouts and Dinah Mo! – the environmental inventor. This hugely energetic cast of characters and humorous content make it a perennial favourite year after year.

The Beano & The Dandy – Magical Mayhem (AmazonUK Affiliate Link)
144 Pages | ISBN: 978-1917203937
Out: 11th August 2026 - https://amzn.to/4aFrGDj

The Beano & The Dandy – Magical Mayhem (AmazonUK Affiliate Link)
144 Pages | ISBN: 978-1917203937
Out: 11th August 2026

A phantasmagorical folio of funny pages! 

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was Beanotown, Dandytown and Cactusville… 

In those mystical lands where bears can talk (as well as argue, sing and sass), dragons outsmart dim-witted knights, wrestlers travel through time, and adventures and hijinks usually involve a stink bomb or two, beloved characters from Beano and The Dandy cast their spell on readers, delighting all! 

Spirited into this scintillating collection from DC Thomson’s archives, lose yourself in the epic world of the Etherington Brothers’ YORE! As well as fantastical flights of fancy from Dennis and Gnasher, Minnie the Minx, The Bash Street Kids, and many more treasured titles! 

A collection of classic comic strips in a premium format.

The Broons Annual 2026 (DC Thomson 2025) https://amzn.to/3CA045S

The Broons Annual 2026 (AmazonUK Affiliate Link)
100 Pages | ISBN: 978-1917203913
Out: 11th August 2026

Scotland’s happy family that makes every family happy has graced our lives for 90 years! 

Celebrate with them this fantastic milestone in a collection of the most recent comic strips from the Fun Section of The Sunday Post. As always, The Broons enjoy family life and laughs at 10 Glebe Street, around Auchentogle, and on occasional trips to the But an’ Ben – all with a sense of humour delivered in true Scots style!

Oor Wullie & The Broons Gift Book 2026 - Lang May Yer Lum Reek! (AmazonUK Affiliate Link)
144 Pages | ISBN: 978-1917203920
Out: 11th August 2026 - https://amzn.to/4hizUnu

Oor Wullie & The Broons Gift Book 2026 – Lang May Yer Lum Reek! (AmazonUK Affiliate Link)
144 Pages | ISBN: 978-1917203920
Out: 11th August 2026

A collection of classic comic strips in a premium format.

2026 is a landmark year in Scottish comics, celebrating 90 years of joy, laughter and tears from “The Broons” and “Oor Wullie” in The Sunday Post’s Fun Section.

In their historic run, Scotland’s Favourite Son and Happy Family That Make Every Family Happy have never shied away from a party. Be it Christmas, Hogmanay, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, or just a good old-fashioned ceilidh, our comic characters are never afraid tae gie it laldy!

This milestone memento captures some of the merriest scenes from the past 90 years of “The Broons” and “Oor Wullie”, putting a smile on anyone’s face. So grab your bagpipes, put on your most tasteful tartan and welcome a dram as you celebrate with us.

With thanks to Lew Stringer

Categories: British Comics, British Comics - Books, Comic Previews, Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News

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