Edinburgh-based online comic store launched

A group of comic fans has launched a new online comic shop which plans to include a specific section for British comics.

The Comic Book Store (www.thecomicbookstore.co.uk) say they stock everything from 2000AD to The Walking Dead “and everything in-between”.

“We’re a Edinburgh based company, run by comic book enthusiasts only,” explains DTT Forum member Jenny McDonald. “The site is ever expanding and our aim is to offer as wide a range as possible in comics and graphic novels, we are also in the process of creating a British Comics only section.

“We strive to offer an easy to use site and provide excellent customer service and fast delivery.”

You can also find them on Facebook, Myspace and Twitter.

•  Check out our map of British comic shops and UK-based online comic services here. Further information is always welcome.

It’s also worth checking the web sites of your local comic shops – or indeed the web sites of any of the comic shops mapped – as many also provide mail order services.

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