Graphic Medicine International Collective free resources for comic educators

Graphic Medicine International Collective Syllabus Repository

If you’re an educator looking for ideas on integrating comics into your teaching about health and illness, or for examples of curricula on Graphic Medicine topics, you can gain inspiration for your syllabus and gather classroom activity ideas with free resources from the Graphic Medicine International Collective (GMIC).

Graphic Medicine International Collective Drawing Together Logo

Check out the GMIC online Syllabus Repository and Drawing Together archives, where you can download materials for free and can contribute by sharing your own syllabi.

The Graphic Medicine International Collective is dedicated to the intersection of comics and healthcare. They guide and support the use of comics in health, and believe in the power of comics as storytelling to enhance understanding, foster empathy, and promote health literacy across diverse communities.

• If you would like your syllabus to be included in the repository, please send it to (replace “AT” with @)

Support the work of the Graphic Medicine International Collective – donate here with your one-time or monthly donation to support graphic medicine resources online

GMIC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit; your donations are tax-deductible

With thanks to Ebru Ustundag

Categories: Comics, Comics Education News, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News

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