Harvey Awards 2012 nominations launched

The Executive Committees of the Harvey Awards and the Baltimore Comic-Con have just released the official Nomination Ballot for this year’s Harvey Awards. Named in honour of the late Harvey Kurtzman, one of the industry’s most innovative talents, the Harvey Awards recognize outstanding work in comics and sequential art.

Ballots are due for submission by Monday 16th April 2012. In addition to being available on the website, ballots will be sent to all major publishers and distributed at comic conventions. 

Returning for his fourth consecutive Harvey Awards, Scott Kurtz will be the Master of Ceremonies for the awards banquet, to be held Saturday 8th September 2012 as part of the Baltimore Comic-Con. 

“After Scott, Stan Lee, and the Fake Stan Lee brought the house down again last year, we had to have him back!” said Marc Nathan, promoter of the Baltimore Comic-Con. “We are thrilled that Scott agreed to come back to Baltimore and help to make the Harvey Awards ceremony as fun and exciting as the last few years have been!”

Scott Kurtz has been creating his own comic strips since he got hooked on Garfield in the 4th grade. In 1998, his comic strip, PvP, debuted on the world wide web (pvponline.com) with 700 daily readers. Over the last 10 years, PvP has grown into a genuine Internet phenomenon, growing in readership to an estimated 150,000 readers per day, a monthly title from Image comics, winning a Harvey Award in 2010 for Best Online Comics Work, and winning the Eisner Award for best digital comic in 2006.

Scott co-wrote the excellent book How To Make Webcomics and co-founded webcomics.com to help assist others in forging their own creative destinies.

Nominations for the Harvey Awards are selected exclusively by creators – those who write, draw, ink, letter, color, design, edit or are otherwise involved in a creative capacity in the comics field. The Harvey Awards are the only industry awards both nominated and selected by the full body of comic book professionals.

This year’s Baltimore Comic-Con will be held 8-9th September.  The ceremony and banquet for the Harvey Awards will be held Saturday night, 8th September.  Additional details about the Harvey Awards and the awards ceremony will be released over the next few months.

• Ballots can be downloaded from HarveyAwards.org and completed forms can be e-mailed to harveyballotsAThotmail.com. All ballots must include requested professional verification information. The  Harvey Awards may be voted on exclusively by Comic-Book creators, those who write, draw, ink, color, letter, design, edit or are involved in the creative aspect of comics. Fans, retailers, distributors, and accounting personnel votes will not be counted.

• Convention info: www.baltimorecomiccon.com

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