Latest free comic magazine from Lakes International Comic Art Festival, Between the Lines #4, available now

The Lakes International Comic Art Festival has just released the fourth issue of Between The Lines, their free online magazine focusing on Festival guests and other matters comic, edited by John McShane, designed by Steve Kerner.

This new issue leads with an interview with their newest Festival Patron and ace comic creator Lucy Sullivan, and includes chats with Mohammad Sabaaneh, who has a new book out soon about the war in Gaza called 30 Seconds from Gaza; and Carol Adlam about her comics project, The Russian Detective.

Plus, there have features on Filipino Comics, and the graphic novel, Inside the Mind of Sherlock Holmes – and more!

You can read it on Issuu

• Back issues are still available!  You can read Between the Lines Issue 3 on Issuu, hereBetween the Lines #2 on Issuu, here. And if you missed Between the Lines #1, read it here on Issuu, here

Categories: British Comics, Comics, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Events

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