Remembering Richmond Clements: A Personal Tribute by Steve Tanner

Richmond Clements. Photo: Jeremy Briggs
Richmond Clements. Photo: Jeremy Briggs

In my mind’s eye, Richmond Clements will always be a smiling man in a white suit. 

That’s how he looked when I first saw him at the 2008 Bristol Expo, and that’s the memory that endures. That show was the third comic convention I did as an exhibitor, and I happened to be placed just a few tables down from the Futurequake team. 

It was my first Bristol and didn’t know many people at that event, but I could see that Rich seemed to know everybody. Not as casual nod acquaintances, but as genuine friends, greeted with enthusiastic handshakes and embracing hugs.

It was clear, too, that Rich was pretty rushed, with hardly any time to come out from behind the table. But over the weekend Rich did make a point of coming out, introducing himself to me, and then introducing me to others (including his Futurequake partner, the wonderful Dave Evans, who passed in 2021, remembered here by Richmond himself). Not just during the show, but in the after-convention bar where many comics friendships are genuinely formed.

It should be no surprise that by the end of the weekend I could count myself as another of Rich’s friends, and a recipient of an embracing hug.

Of course, alongside the friendship I also came to properly appreciate Richmond Clements the editor and writer. As editor, alongside Dave, Rich gave dozens of creators the opportunity to have their work seen in their Futurequake titles. As writer, Rich not only created some great stories, but was also bloody reliable. (That combination was why I commissioned Rich to write the “Space Precinct” stories in Spectrum).

FutureQuake - Winter 2020
Time Bomb Comics SPECTRUM #2 - Space Precinct

I can’t quite get my head around that he’s no longer with us, and that I won’t be able to catch up with him again. It was always a pleasure to do so either in-person or online. 

On each occasion his enthusiasm for the medium he loved and the people he knew through it shone bright. 

Brighter even, than that white suit.

Steve Tanner

Steve Tanner is publisher at Time Bomb Comics, whose titles include Bomb Scares and SPECTRUM, both titles Richmond contributed to

In Memoriam: Comic Writer, Editor, and Comic Creating Catalyst Richmond Clements

Categories: British Comics, Comics, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Features, Obituaries

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