Rollerskating Bears? Oh my!

Rollerskates and Breakfast Dates - Cover


Glasgow-based cartoonist MJ Wallace, a regular submitter to Team Girl Comic, has a collection of her light-heared and funny comic Rollerskates and Breakfast Dates on sale now.


Rollerskates and Breakfast Dates - Fame


Rollerskates and Breakfast Dates - The Date


Rollerskates and Breakfast Dates - Coffee Face


Rollerskates and Breakfast Dates comprises some wonderful autobiographical web comics, in which a boyfriend is portrayed as a bear to preserve his anonymity, making for a bizarre but enjoyable take on relationships. It’s a marvellous strip, with plenty of laugh out loud moments as you recognise moments of your own life in the relationship portrayed.

I’m not alone in enjoying it, either. “Once you start reading the strips it’s hard not to imagine MJ smiling away at her desk as she works on the latest panels charting her life, enthuses reviewer Nuge over on Geek Syndicate. “The hook for me into MJ’s world came in the ‘How it Began’ strip where MJ announces to boyfriend Ryan she going to put him in a comic. Ryan’s response ‘Only if I’m a bear’ is great but what is even better is that MJ embraces the notion and runs with it which results in some laugh out loud pure comedic moments.”

“I cannot fully explain how much I enjoyed this collection,” enthuses Nancy Joyce on Whatcha Reading?“I was grinning like an idiot reading it on my commute into work and laughing out loud on occasion. I loved MJ and Ryan and enjoyed their discovery of each other and growing affection.

• Rollerskates and Breakfast Dates is currently available to buy on MJ’s Etsy ( ) and she’ll be selling it at various comic events such as the Lakes Festival (via the Team Girl Comic table) and Thought Bubble

Rollerskates and Breakfast Dates – Tumblr

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