Spanish Artists Go Global in Work Hunt

Vampirella by Sanjulian
Originally uploaded by JohnFreeman.

The “green shoots” of an economic upturn don’t seem much in evidence today, as more creators get in touch to tell me they are seeking work in a depressed and rapidly diminishing market.

Even the hardened pros are having a hard time: Esteve Dalmau, who runs an art agency in Barcelona, got in touch this week and sent me some simply stunning samples by the likes of Martin Blanco, Paco Diaz (whose credits include Wolverine) and others.

Like many artists, they’re seeking work and I’ve done what I can, passing on their information. With Esteve’s permission, I’ve also posted their samples on my Flickr pages, in the hope they might catch an editor or other commissioning bod’s attention.

If you are an editor or commissioning bod, drop me a line if you like what you’ll see and I’ll happily pass your query on to Esteve.

I’m not forgetting Britain’s homegrown talent: downthetubes has a huge directory of comic creators on the main site.

I’ve no connection with Esteve but I did think the samples were impressive. Hope you do, too.

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