Print Media, the Bosnia-based publisher of STRIP: The Adventure Comics Magazine, has confirmed the much-delayed print edition of Issue 2 will be on sale in UK newsagents this week, with distribution to UK comic shops to follow soon.
“Our distributors have confirmed receipt of the Magazine from our UK printers and they are aiming for it to be on sale from Wednesday 31st July,” the company states.
“Our printers are also in the process of dispatching subscription copies.
“Once stock has also reached our UK book warehouse we’ll be dispatching copies to Diamond for comic store delivery.
STRIP re-launched earlier this year on the news stand after the erratic publication of seven issues into comic shops only since its original launch in 2011.
Although printing the magazine Bosnia was cost effective, problems with distribution channels and the costs of getting the Magazine to the UK have resulted in Print Media’s owner, Ivo Milicevic, deciding to print the title in the UK. But although the digital edition was released on schedule, the changeover had its own share of problems, now, thankfully, resolved.
“Looking from the outside in, we appreciate that after the way STRIP has been knocked sideways, uphill and down dale due to its overseas administration, you must be thinking we’re gluttons for punishment by now,” says Mr Milicevic. “But when you’ve put as much time and effort into a publication, a project I really believe in, you don’t let go easily. I hope our readers, won’t either.”
Responding to criticism, he thanked readers for their comments on Facebook, Twitter (good and bad). “We do read them all,” he says. “We’ve taken a lot of them on the chin, too.
“We’re now hoping the project plan is firmly grounded in reality for it to continue and we appreciate your support and creative involvement.”
Doctor Who Adventures artist John Ross joins the project from issue 3, drawing King Cobra, and there are plenty more new comic tales planned.
After such long delays to the print release of Issue 2, one piece of slightly bad news for readers is that Issue 3 won’t be released until September, the result of a situation casued by what Print Media calls “the inner workings” of one of their major UK distribution points. Because releasing Issue 3 in August would cost as much as it would to promote three issues from September onwards, Print Media have decided to delay the release until the beginning of September.
Wrapped in a Crucible-inspired cover by Bernard Kolle (colour by Sebastian Cheng), the second stunning issue of Britain’s newest action adventure anthology includes strips from John McCrea, Stephen Downey, Nick Dyer, Richmond Clements, Smuzz and more.
• BLACK OPS EXTREME (written by Richmond Clements, art by Stephen Downey) The anti-terrorist team run into trouble in the American Bayou – with survivalists and an angry alligator!
• WARPAINT (by Phil Hester and John McCrea) Re-told from the very beginning – Mia learns more about an ancient war between gods!
• CRUCIBLE (by John Freeman and Smuzz) Trouble on the streets when our adventurers set out to recover a mysterious artifact sought by the Temple of Orlyth!
• OPERATION INFERNO (by Richmond Clements and Nick Dyer) Steampunk spy Ryuu heads to Paris as the British Empire faces a deadly new peril from a dangerous rogue scientist!
• DENIZENS (by Miljenko Horvatic and Maxim Simic) Modern civilisation has been wiped out and the world is a greener, deadlier place…
Plus: KING COBRA SECRETS REVEALED – a special guide to the new incarnation of King Cobra, a hero who first appeared in DC Thomson’s Hotspur; and a KING COBRA MINI POSTER by Wamberto Nicomedes; plus an interview with author Benjamin Read, writer of the highly acclaimed new graphic novel fairy tale, Porcelain.
• The digital version of STRIP is on sale now for iPad and is also available as a PDF download on Scribd
• Latest STRIP: The Adventure Comics Magazine News:
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- About the Author
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The founder of downthetubes, which he established in 1998. John works as a comics and magazine editor, writer, and on promotional work for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival. He is currently editor of Star Trek Explorer, published by Titan – his third tour of duty on the title originally titled Star Trek Magazine.
Working in British comics publishing since the 1980s, his credits include editor of titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Babylon 5 Magazine, and more. He also edited the comics anthology STRIP Magazine and edited several audio comics for ROK Comics. He has also edited several comic collections, including volumes of “Charley’s War” and “Dan Dare”.
He’s the writer of “Pilgrim: Secrets and Lies” for B7 Comics; “Crucible”, a creator-owned project with 2000AD artist Smuzz; and “Death Duty” and “Skow Dogs” with Dave Hailwood.
Categories: British Comics, downthetubes Comics News, Featured News