200th anniversary celebration of “The Glasgow Looking Glass”, the world’s first comic, in the works

Following up on his The Dunfermline Story anthology project, Commando writer Colin Maxwell is looking for artists and writers to produce short satirical strips for a comic to launch Summer 2025 – a 200th anniversary tribute to The Glasgow Looking Glass.

The Glasgow Looking Glass - 'Palmam Qui Meruit Ferat'. Vol. 1, No. 2, published in 1825

The project will be crowdfunded in early 2025.

The Glasgow Looking Glass (later The Northern Looking Glass) was published in 1825 and is considered by many the first ‘comic’, Colin explains. “It used speech bubbles and is believed to be the first publication to use ‘to be continued’.

“Similar to the more famous Punch, the Looking Glass contained satirical cartoons commenting on politics and society of the day. This tribute comic will be a satirical look at modern day Scotland.”

• You can contact Colin via Maximized Comics – maximized.co.uk

There’s more information about the original publication here on the website of Special Collections Department in the Library, of the University of Glasgow

Michael Dempster’s research into the Looking Glass on Wee Windaes

The Dunfermline Story comic reveals city’s proud history

Categories: British Comics, Comics, Creating Comics, Crowd Funding Projects, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News

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