The latest issues of Eagle Times (the quartely journal of the EagleSociety, dedicated to the memory of Britain’s National picture stripweekly – Eagle) is now out.
50+ A4 pages (of which 20 are in colour, including beautiful full colour Frank Hampson covers) on all things related to Eagle magazine.
The lead article is on Frank Hampson’s work pre-and post-Dan Dare. Other features are Keith Watson’s take on Dan Dare, Dan Dare artist Harold Johns, a PC49 radio play adaptation, Frank Hampson’s homes, 50s pop music, new fiction from Geoffrey ‘Luck of the Legion’ Bond, letters and much more besides.
Publication dates are as follows:
31st March,
30th June
30th September
14th December
Subscription rates are are as follows:
UK members £22
Overseas members (surface mail) £26
Overseas members (air mail) £29 in £’s sterling please.
Editorial address: Editorial office, 24 Stanfield Road, Duston, Northants, NN5 6EZ

Categories: British Comics

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