Luke Cooper’s Hollow Girl – I Am Everyone out now, new AloneNotLonely in the works

Hollow Girl: I Am Everyone by Luke Cooper - Cover

It’s Hollow Girl versus Hollow Girl as frustrations come to a head at last in Hollow Girl – Volume 21: I Am Everyone by Luke Cooper, leading to a bullet-laden battle between the two heroines. You’ve never seen a break-up as brutal as this – as you’ll discover, in the last issue of this series is available now from Markosia.

And if they can survive each other, then they’ll have to face The Creep – the sadistic serial strangler that Hannah failed to put down. It seems that the loathsome Father Skelton – Hollow Girl’s abusive creator – has a new killer in his employ, and he has his sights set on Hollow Girl. The Creep would dearly like to get his hands on Hannah first, though, and pay her back for disturbing his good work.

And, in doing so, fulfil a deadly prophecy.

In Hollow Girl: I Am Everyone, writer-artist Luke Cooper delivers a trademark gut-punch as Hollow Girl is faced with the finality of death like never before.

Hollow Girl – Volume 21: I Am Everyone is out now and available from Markosia direct and various book shops | AmazonUK Affiliate Link | 60 pages | Black & White | ISBN: 9781917459365

More AloneNotLonely in the works

A British comic creator living in Slovakia, Luke Cooper is the creator of Hollow Girl and AloneNotLonely, as well as Figments and A Glimpse of Hell. He was also an artist on Jim Alexander’s Wolf Country and the award-winning GoodCopBadCop, his interpretation of the character helping inspire the novel. He also drew Burlap: Death Waits for No One, written by Jesse Baer. published through Covenant Comics, as well as numerous covers and pin-ups for various comic titles.

While his Hollow Girl project is, perhaps this indie talent’s best known book, he feels another series, AloneNotLonely, also published by Marlosia, is actually his favourite.

AloneNotLonely by Luke Cooper - Sample Art

In this series, after most of the Earth’s population is apparently wiped out, Alex is left alone, but that suits her just fine. Having never been able to trust people anyway, she is perfectly suited for survival in this desolate new world; one in which everyone is potentially a monster, both figuratively and literally…

“At the moment, I am working on three different AloneNotLonely projects,” he recently revealed on Facebook. “The artwork for issue four, a novelisation of the first story arc and the script for what I plan to be the swansong final issue.

“In keeping with my new approach to longer format graphic novels that will start with April Gray, AloneNotLonely #5 will be a double-size issue that should finish off the series.”

AloneNotLonely is available from various bookshops | Buy it in print or as a digital edition from AmazonUK (Affiliate Link)

Categories: British Comics, Comic Previews, Comics, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News

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