Sweden’s “Agent X9” pays tribute to Ian Kennedy

The latest issue of Sweden’s long-running comics anthology, Agent X9, (No. 8/2022) includes a tribute to the late Ian Kennedy.

The tribute issue reprints the Tybalt story “Golden Wings” from 1993, a story highlighted by Ian in an interview as a rare example of a story that he not only drew, but also wrote. The script was co-created with Ulf Granberg, who was editor of the Tybalt stories and the Fantomen magazine that published them.

There’s also a two page article about Ian, written by Swedish comics expert and historian Magnus Sörell.

“Ian’s Swedish career began in 1987, when he became the artist on the comic “Hunter” which was published in the Agent X9 magazine. Norman Worker was the writer,” Andreas Eriksson tells downthetubes.

‘In 1990, after seven stories, the Hunter series was retooled and the main character was renamed and as ‘Tybalt’, and moved into the pages of the Fantomen magazine. Norman Worker was already one of the main writers of the Swedish production of Phantom stories. The regular writers of ‘Tybalt’ were Norman Worker and Mats Jönsson.

“Ian Kennedy drew a total of 32 Tybalt stories, the last in 2002.”

The strip looks terrific, and surely cries out for a British reprint.

The 100 page anthology magazine also contains a Modesty Blaise story by Peter O’Donnell and Neville Colvin, and the French action comic Lady S by Philippe Aymond.

• Egmont in Sweden does not sell single issues of Agent X9, but here are email addresses of some Swedish comic book stores that stock the title, and might be of service if any overseas Ian Kennedy fans want this issue: info@seriersant.se and info@seriekallaren.se

• Cloud 109: Lost in Translation – Ian Kennedy’s Tybalt

With much thanks to Andreas Eriksson

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