Wasted ends print edition with Issue 8, going digital

A quick reminder that the latest issue of adult comic WASTED is out now featuring  a stellar line up of talent including Kelly Jones, Mark Buckingham, Jason Brashill, Norm Breyfogle, John Wagner and Cam Kennedy.

Sadly, the WASTED team tell us this is the last print edition of the adult title – a combination of print and delivery costs and reduced sales mean they’re moving to digital only editions in future.

“Terrestrial publication of WASTED ended with Issue 8,” publisher Alan Grant told downthetubes.net. “From next issue on it’ll be digital only, carried by DriveThru.

“A sad day, but still optimistic.”

DriveThru already sell British titles such as 2000AD and Markosia, as well as many US comics.

Contributors to this final print issue also include (in no particular order): Tom Carney, Alex Ronald, Jon Haward, Gibson Quarter, Dave Alexander, Jamie Grant, Jason Wilson, Jim Devlin, Jules Boyle, Craig Collins, Curt Sibling, Martin Smith, Will Pickering, Alan Grant, Rob Baker, John Miller, Chaos Alexander, Adam Smith, Jane Turnbull, Paul McCann, Tom Green, Garry McLaughlin, Kent Tayler, Russ McPherson, Tony Rollinson and Adam Ford.

• Buy Wasted: www.badpressltd.com 

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