Month: October 2007

Read this blog on your mobile

John Roshell over at Active Images put me on to feedm8, which offers a means to make a more mobile-friendly version of this blog for phones. Thought I’d give it a try: check out the “get mobile version button”, right…

Bruin Up

Way back when I came up with a lab animal gag I still like and my mate Tim Stevens did too since he’s remembered it 20 years later, and suggested an update. So here are both cartoons in ROK Comics… Read More ›

Alan Moore interviewed

“Alan Moore, the undisputed, eccentric king of comic-book writing, made it acceptable for literary-minded adults to enjoy books about superheroes. Will his new book do the same for erotica? Susanna Clarke, the novelist and long-time Moore devotee, speaks to him… Read More ›